Where I am...

I started this adoption journey almost four years ago. There have been many unexpected twists and turns but now I am on the road to adopting a baby girl from Russia. Although not her real name we will call her...Hope. For it symbolizes what she is. A miracle, sometimes a dream, always longed and prayed for. With all current paperwork completed all that stands in my way is finances. I invite you to follow my journey as my faith is tested, my belief grows deeper, and soon my Hope will be placed in my arms after so long living in my heart...May you be inspired, encouraged, humored, provoked to think, and always drawn closer to God.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Marmie's new Nursing Shoes ( I got some too)
Cancer. A shadow casting its darkness over a life in hopes of snuffing out the spirit of the one beneath it. Just the word makes a chill run down my spine. Cancer. It seems to have touched almost everyone's life in some way. Mothers, brothers, fathers, children, yourself...It distills life. Burns away the unnecessary leaving the soul of what matters inside your pumping heart. Faces are clearer, moments more precious, laughter more sweet.
          October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Whether or not this evil entity has touched you or your mothers, sisters, or friends, I urge you to help the cause in some way. My sweet Marmie is a cancer surviver. She is strong and good and true.
 I lost a very very dear friend of mine to cancer two years ago. Knowing and loving him as a brother changed my life. The way I see and live every day is different, better, fuller because of him. Don't wait until the days are numbered to live. Do it now...

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