Where I am...

I started this adoption journey almost four years ago. There have been many unexpected twists and turns but now I am on the road to adopting a baby girl from Russia. Although not her real name we will call her...Hope. For it symbolizes what she is. A miracle, sometimes a dream, always longed and prayed for. With all current paperwork completed all that stands in my way is finances. I invite you to follow my journey as my faith is tested, my belief grows deeper, and soon my Hope will be placed in my arms after so long living in my heart...May you be inspired, encouraged, humored, provoked to think, and always drawn closer to God.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Afternoon Amblings...

           Last Friday Marmie and I were visiting my sister and her family. It was a busy day full of pre-weekend preparations, errands, and laundry. Bean and I decided that we needed to do something fun. to "be"...you know? Nothing that required intellect or lists.
      We all decided to go down to the local farmers market and browse around. what a delightful collection of people, smells, and sights. The street was lined with booths filled with anything from fresh produce to hand-knitted wine bottle covers....indeed! The smell of BBQ and lemonade combined with the aroma of onions and lavendar made for a most relaxing and sense-filling amble. Sometimes you need to just take time to do something different....If only I would remember to do it more often.
Sugar Pea had to bring her "pink purse" and her baby....what a lady she is!

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