Where I am...

I started this adoption journey almost four years ago. There have been many unexpected twists and turns but now I am on the road to adopting a baby girl from Russia. Although not her real name we will call her...Hope. For it symbolizes what she is. A miracle, sometimes a dream, always longed and prayed for. With all current paperwork completed all that stands in my way is finances. I invite you to follow my journey as my faith is tested, my belief grows deeper, and soon my Hope will be placed in my arms after so long living in my heart...May you be inspired, encouraged, humored, provoked to think, and always drawn closer to God.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Photo Friday!!

I've Got the Whole World in My Hand... (Sis and JeJe)

          They say that you can tell the future by reading the lines on the palm of your hand. I don't know about that, but I do know that the hands of a child seem to hold all the promise in the world.
      These little hands will wipe away tears....hopefully not just their own but the tears of those they love. These hands will pop bubbles, scrub dirt, grow callouses from hard work and point the way. Hopefully they will be strong yet clean, their grasp will be firm and yet their touch tender. Most of all, I hope they will be often folded in prayer...


  1. just wanted to say thank you for stopping my my daughter's blog and for leaving a comment..one day SArah will be able to read all those who loved on her!
