Its funny about winding roads, you are often so focused on the turn right in front of you that you forget the destination. That's where I have been the past few days. Even though my daughter is my only, ever-present desire, I got a little lost on the speed bumps called "paperwork." (Sigh). Well, today is a new day. Sometimes you have to go forward not knowing what will be around the next turn. What if more speed bumps await me? What if my papers get lost again, or expires randomly, or...or? Well, It could happen but you know what? Its gonna be OK. God has taken me this far and He won't drop me now.
It was by some amazing answer to prayer that I was able to find a new Home Study Agency this week. They were already sending someone to my area for a post-adoption visit just when I needed it, so they were able to come and see me and do my Home Study update the very next day. So there is a remote chance I can get the updates I need without having to spend a few more $$$$. How amazing is that?
Its funny. Having someone come into your home to see where and how you live feels a little weird. Of course your house is clean and neat and all the paperwork is sitting ready on the dining room table. I had a fleeting thought that I should have baked chocolate ship cookies so the house would smell warm and delicious....But I had to rush home from work to meet him then rush no cookie smell for me :-)
I am humbled and thankful. Again, I am reminded that there is a plan, that this will all be worth it. It's human to get discouraged, to lose sight of your goal, no matter how worthy. But, I don't ever want to stop there. This week I have been blessed by corresponding with some wonderful women who have been on and finished this journey. Ladies who's blogs I have read for years. It made my heart feel warm and so thankful that they would take the time to encourage and support me. The adoption community is beautiful, diverse and unique. I am humbled and honored to be apart of it. I am looking forward to what lies ahead no matter what it is...