For all the struggles and pain, my life is truly blessed. On those days I ask "Why" or wonder what is going on I must remember how I have been blessed. I never want to be someone who whines because they done have what they think they want when in their hands lies everything they need...
Adopting a child takes a village. It really does. A group of people who love, understand, support, encourage, console, and motivate. This was never more clearly illustrated then by the friends and family in my life last fall. As you know, money is the only real need left...only thing standing between me and mommy-hood. As disgusting as that may be it is a reality. For the past few years God has provided me with consistently two-three jobs at a time. Full time ICU nurse, part time nursing tutor and part time charge nurse at a local rehab center. Busy. Yes, that is an understatement. But its OK. Its worth every moment. Well since there are only 24 hrs in a day and one must sleep sometime right? The quandary still remains as to how to raise the remaining funds.
Last Fall, born of a simple idea from a friend, a miracle took place. What do people do when they are trying to raise money? Well, they have a bake sale, yard sale, or car wash, right? No one could have prepared me for the amazing result of a little idea. Lets have a yard sale...a GIANT yard sale. Lets ask everyone I make that everyone that I know and everyone that they know to donate items to the cause. We will sell whatever we get and put the proceeds towards bringing Hope home. OK. Sounds good. This idea was taken up into the hearts of those that I love, those that I care about, and even those that I hardly know. It blossomed into a giant outpouring of love, of hope.
It took over a month to plan, organize and gather items. I put up fliers at all my jobs, put an AD in out local paper and by word of mouth told everyone I met!
My fear at first was that we wouldn't have very much to sell. That we would maybe have a few tables, a few discarded items to try and make a profit on...Oh me of little faith....Nothing could have prepared me for what would happen.
I made huge posters to let everyone know what it was all about! A friend of mine, and a FABULOUS local photographer,, donated a wonderful package of pictures to be raffled off. A friend of mine donated multiple massage sessions,! Everywhere I went I had a roll of tickets to sell! Well, remember when I said I was worried no one would donate? Check this out!!!!!
We filled an entire garage in a matter of days!!!!!!! |
I could spend hours telling you about all the amazing people who helped me. Literally came out of the woodwork and gave their stuff, their time, their vehicles, their energy, and their support. My Friend" D" let me use her wonderful truck to haul tables for things to set on!My Dearest "N" was amazing. She woke up early each morning, came with coffee and a smile. Her enthusiasm, belief and help really made this possible. She and "A" and my dear Marmie and sister spent literally hours sorting, pricing, hauling, etc. There were so many others. My other friend "D" lived close by and made lunch for all of us the day of the sale! Yummy! Another dear friend let me have the sale in her yard, let me store alllllllll the stuff in her garage and basically take it all over for a month! "M" helped the day of the sale and she spent much time pricing. A girl I work with occasionally donated her entire basements worth of stuff she was saving for her own yard sale, helped me haul it there and bought me lunch afterwords! WOW! My dearest friend "A" helped me load and haul tables, spent hours and hours and hours helping organize, price, haul, unload, and sell everything. Her Mom, who was visiting for the weekend even came and helped! There were too many to name. Folks from both my work places bought tickets, and helped organize donations. One of my dearest friends "B" lives about 45min away. She believes so deeply in me and my dreams that she and her new husband donated a truck load and a trailer load of really nice quality items, furniture, etc. Even brought it to me and helped unload it....Old friends, friends of people I didn't even know gave. Some gave a little, some alot. I was and am humbled by their generosity... The morning of the sale, We put up signs and balloons to point the way, came back, uncovered everything, and waited....For a short, brief few minutes We had a sinking feeling. It was 0700 and not a soul to be seen. Marmie, my sister, "A" and "N" all stood looking at each other. All I could think of was "OK...God brought all these things to be sold, surly He will bring people to buy them! We prayed and stood still....waiting. Again, a lesson in faith. God will provide. The flood gates opened and we had hundreds of people steadily all day. It was really a miracle. While thousands remain, I was touched, my faith was boosted, and my relationships grew stronger thru this experience. I share it with you so that you can know that God will provide. Yes, I know There is much more that I must raise but I use this experience to encourage me. I was feeling rather tired today....kinda discouraged. I decided to go back and retrieve this lesson, this memory to remind myself that God will provide. Thanks to all who gave, who helped, who prayed, who believe....My heart of full of your support and love.... |