The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Baby Shower
The year I graduated with my bachelors degree I met an angel. She
actually turned out to be married to a friend and co-worker of mine and
was actually quite human....but besides all those facts, she was an
angel to me. I was doing my student teaching in my last quarter of my
Elementary Education degree. I was in a classroom which was with a
teacher that, how shall we say, was COMPLETELY different then myself. It
was a rough quarter. "A" was in the classroom next door also doing her
student teaching. Having her there saved me. We have been fast friends
every since.
"A" is a
brilliant combination of creativity, eclectic ideas, homemade genius,
and a dazzling smile. She is the most creative person I know. She sees the
possibilities in old chairs and broken down mirrors, making them into
fabulous parts of a bigger picture.
Well, she and her husband are expecting their first baby. It was my
pleasure, therefore, with my Marmie as my partner, to have a baby shower
honoring her and her baby boy.
Our Caterpillar Cake! |
My Beautiful friend "A" (middle in black and white strips), her sister, my and my sister
Some games out on the porch |
I made this out of paper lanterns! |
The guests were invited to bring their favorite children's book! |
We made party favor caterpillars out of skittles! |